Why Small Groups?
“It’s Sunday morning and the week seems like a blur. My 9-5 left me empty and feeling like my life continues to flash before my eyes. I do the same thing everyday and it seems like my walk with God is shallow. When I get to church on Sunday it seems as if my church relationships are fake because I see them once a week for a short time. I want my life to be full of growth and excitement.” This is the reality for many ‘church-goers’ but many don’t know what to do to change this.
It is our belief that the only way for one’s passion for Christ to be kindled is through the Spirit of God moving among a group of people who are in intentional relationships with each other. Connect Groups provide opportunities whereby the Spirit of God moves, intentional living occurs, relationships are formed, and God’s mission is fulfilled. Our hope is that through the connect groups at Evermore, you would meet God in a new way, and that your life would reflect the life Christ in an open, honest, and passionate way.
We hope to see Connect Groups multiply themselves by reaching out to the community as the Spirit of the living God transforms lives. God has empowered all of us to live on mission, not just the pastors, and Evermore believes that through Connect Groups we can encourage more people to do so.
Additional Information
Connect groups are available for all age groups. Please contact Butch Nisly, Associate Pastor of Congregational Care and Growth, at He will be happy to connect you to a group.